Book Buddies

So for most of the summer I’ve struggled with reading. I’m used to picking up a book, reading it, putting it down, seeing a new book and repeat. I bet you’re wondering, How do you get any reading done? Well sometimes the car truth is I don’t. It pains me to say it is sometimes difficult to read a book which is why I utilize audio books which has mention in separate post. 

You see, I have ADHD. Not the kind that is often played for laughs in the media (especially TV) or the excuse as some educators call it. Amyway, even though I have this disorder every day is a constant battle to get things done and be productive. A friend of mine has what is referred to as a To Done List. Instead of struggling to get a To Do List done focus on what you’ve done for the day. If you don’t like what your list looks like CHANGE IT! Do something about it! Take action! 
Okay. I feel this post has gone way off topic. If you’ve been following this blog for a while you’ll know I have a tendency to do that from time to time. 
My point with this post was to simply announce his proud I am of my reading slump slipping away. I also wanted to invite anyone who loves books over to follow me on Goodreads

If you’d like also follow me on Twitter & Instagram

As always, Thanks so much for reading. 

Stay spectacular

6 thoughts on “Book Buddies

  1. I understand completely. I’m used to completing a book every 2-3 days, but this Summer I haven’t been able to read one book. I intend to change that by completing Elmore Leonard’s Riding the Rap.

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    1. I’ve not been able to finish a book that quickly in a while but I do plan on making my way back to that. It can be tough sometimes. I hope you enjoy Elmore Leonard I’ve heard his books are action-y and thrilling.

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      1. Yeah, he’s a great writer. Not sure if you’ve seen the Tarantino film Jackie Brown, but it’s based on Elmore Leonard’s book, Rum Punch. The TV series, Justified, is based on his book, Fire in the Hole. If you’re looking for a good TV series, give Justified a try. It’s a six season series, with each season being about 12-13 episodes…plus Timothy Olyphant is a beautiful man. 😏

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      2. I’ve not seen Jackie Brown but I’ve heard of it. Yeah I have S1 of Justified and knew it was based on Leonard’s books. I’ve been meaning to watch that but my reading and things to watch list are so long. Lol. It’ll dwindle one of these days. Probably not soon. Thanks for sharing this though. Nice!

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