#EMABchat is now Facebook 

So a few days ago I did a post on a Twitter chat that I’ll be hosting tomorrow night at 10:30PM EST on emotional abuse. While I know that can be somewhat of a taboo topic I feel if we talk about it not only will awareness be raised but a community of support may be formed.

I’ve always felt a tug to help people. Lately I’ve felt it and I hope beginning this chat can provide some help to someone somewhere. As you’ve seen the title of this post here’s a link to EMABChat’s Facebook page. For the safety of those who join the group it’s private. If you post something in the group you don’t have to worry about outsiders criticizing you for it. If you request to join I’ll be sure to add you.

About the chat: It’ll be hosted by me on my main Twitter account. It will start at 10:30pm Eastern Standard Time. There will be 5 questions asked and any follow up conversations will be addressed as long as you’ve mentioned (@) me &/or use #EMABChat in your tweet. It’s encouraged that you interact with others in the chat but not required. If you hop on during the chat feel free to start at question 1 (I’ll try to create a thread making each easy to find) or whichever question you join in on. I’m excited to start this chat and look forward to seeing you there.

Also, the Facebook group page is there to extend the conversation so feel free to join it.

As always, thanks so much for stopping by and feel free to spread the word. The more the merrier 😊💕💕💕

So will you be joining in the chat tomorrow? Have any suggestions?

Sound off in the comments

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